What kind of health packages do you offer?

What kind of health packages do you offer?

We offer a range of affordable health screening and vaccination. You can choose to have the screening and vaccination conducted either at home, or at the clinics.

Our health screenings range from basic to comprehensive, with a personalised assessment about your overall health and post-examination video consultation so you can better understand and manage your health parameters.
Through blood, stool and urine tests, our health screenings assess your risk for hepatitis, thyroid conditions, heart conditions, cancer, and other conditions. We also offer 6-monthly medical examination (6ME) services for foreign domestic workers. This examination screens for pregnancy and infectious diseases such as syphilis, HIV and tuberculosis. 

Apart from health screenings, we provide a broad range of vaccines to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases, such as typhoid fever, chicken pox and influenza, amongst others.