Adding your child as a profile under your main DA account

Adding your child as a profile under your main DA account

This feature currently is available for some users in Singapore, who are not associated with any insurance / corporate benefits / DA Healthwise. If you are eligible, you should see the dependent profile feature on your app by clicking on "More > View Profile > Dependants" to add your dependents.

There is no limit to the number of child profiles you can add. However, please do not try to add more than 6 child profiles in 1 day.

Do note that child dependent profiles can only use GP services for now. If you wish to use the following services, please create a new Doctor Anywhere account for your child.
  1. Specialist services
  2. Insurance and corporate benefits
Additionally, please note that your child dependent profile can only be tied to one main Doctor Anywhere account. As such, we advise for the primary caretaker to be the one adding the child's profile.

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